Musk: Twitter could break even on cash flow in second quarter


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Metrics are crucial for business planning, making informed decisions, defining strategic targets, and measuring performance. Airline ticket price may depend on such things as the class of service, advance purchase, demand for the day, or competitor’s prices. And, sometimes, they offer only a few seats at discount prices. As unit volume increases, net cash flow climbs from negative to positive. And, as a result, break-even quantity Q is the unit volume where net cash flow crosses 0 on the horizontal axis.

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These estimates will be very similar to the yearly totals generated on the cash flow statement. However, the income statement is different from the cash flow statement because it is not estimated month-by-month. Instead, it shows your receipts and disbursements for the entire year.

It also helps you evaluate the feasibility and attractiveness of different projects, investments, or strategies. By knowing your cash flow break-even point, you can set realistic goals, manage risks, and optimize your cash flow. Break-even analysis is a methodology for finding break-even volume by analyzing relationships among fixed and variable costs, business volume, pricing, and net cash flow. For analysis purposes, Business Volume usually means a measure of unit sales or sales revenues.

Wondering how you can improve cash flow for your business? Use these seven effective steps to get your cash flowing today.

It does not include investing or financing activities, such as a new bank loan or sale of an asset. If the company generates $12,500 a month, $10,000 of that goes to fixed expenses. Recall that it costs $20 in variable expenses to make a single window. To make 125 windows, it would cost $2,500, which is exactly what is left after paying fixed expenses. This leaves zero profit, hence, 125 units is the company’s break-even point.

The main difference is that you’ll include all cash inflows and outflows, not just sales revenue and business expenses. For example, you’ll include loans, loan payments, transfers of personal money into and out of the business, taxes, and other money that isn’t earned or spent as part of your core business operation. The cash flow break-even point is determined by several factors, such as sales volume and price, variable and fixed costs, interest rate and debt level, and tax rate. Generally, the higher the sales volume and price, the lower the break-even point and the higher the profit margin.

The present value of expected future cash flows is arrived at by using a projected discount rate. It can help those considering whether to acquire a company or buy securities make their decisions. Discounted cash flow analysis can also assist business owners and managers in making capital budgeting or operating expenditures decisions.


Once your business is up and running, the income statement uses real numbers to determine your business profit or loss. Often, an accountant will help you develop your income statement and calculate your taxes based on the numbers. It is a good idea to consider how different prices will affect both sales and profits. When thinking about your pricing, identify a low, medium, and high price for your product. Once you start your business, you will have more information about how much customers will pay.

It’s equal to your fixed costs (e.g. rent, property taxes, equipment costs and interest), divided by your average selling price, minus variable costs. The break-even point refers to the amount of revenue required to cover a business’s fixed costs/expenses and variable costs/expenses. The break-even point, i.e. income generated to cover all expenses in a certain period, can be measured in monetary value or hours worked by a company’s staff. The contribution margin is the difference between the product’s selling price and its total variable cost.

Use the worksheets contained in the Break-Even tab to help you. Jean’s break-even point is how many xero vs wave she must sell per month to cover both her variable and fixed costs. Depending on the price she charges and the gross profit she earns, Jean will have to make and sell different numbers of earrings to cover her monthly fixed costs. The first step in a break-even analysis is to figure out your per unit variable costs and monthly fixed operating costs. This is especially true for companies that make sales on credit, because typically some credit sales are not paid within the expected 30 days . A P&L forecast does not account for late or missing payments, and this is why it’s so important to do a cash flow analysis as well.

Checking the Financial Plan

The balance sheet forms the third side of the triangle when you’re assessing a business or idea (cash flow andprofit & loss being the others). Once you’ve got a steady and stable sales pipeline you can look to increase your margins by taking-on more fixed costs if they mean your net margin increases. Cash flow is one of the easiest aspects of business finances to understand, but also one of the hardest to forecast – just like the balance in your bank account!

Therefore, banks prefer the use of nonnegotiable receipts issued in the name of the bank for the simple reason that they provide better control of the pledged inventory. Although most warehouse receipts are nonnegotiable, some are negotiable, meaning that the lender may transfer them to other parties. If the lender wants to remove a warehouse receipt loan from its books, it can sell a negotiable warehouse receipt to another party, who then replaces the original lender in the agreement.

How can budgeting processes be more transparent and accountable to the public?

If the DCF is higher than the current cost of the investment, the opportunity could result in positive returns and may be worthwhile. This site provides general information related to creating and running a business. The content of this site is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal or tax advice or opinions. You should contact an attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular legal or tax issue or problem, including those relating to your current or potential business.

fixed cost

Documents include a list of each item along with its description and serial number. The borrower is free to sell the secured inventory but is “trusted” to remit to the lender immediately earmarked funds, which are used to repay advances plus accrued interest. The lender conducts periodic checks to ensure that the required collateral is still “in the yard.” Inventory financing under trust receipts, for retail sale, is commonly called floorplanning.

How Does Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Work?

It is also expected to have a resale value of $25,000 in ten years. How much can be paid for this asset now if a 12% annual compound interest rate of return before taxes is desired? Note that the wording of this example can be changed to describe a mineral reserve, petroleum, chemical plant, pipeline, or other general investment, and the solution will be identical. In the real world you’ll probably face minimum order quantities for your raw materials, so you’ll have some left-overs at the end of a given month.


You will know where you need to set your margins to generate the right amount of revenue to break even and begin turning a profit. But you can make yours as accurate and useful as possible by working with real-time data. Refer to your company’s financial records for historic sales and expense figures most likely to represent what you can expect going forward. For each month, add your expected collections from past sales. The amount where your collections equal your expenditures is the cash flow break even point for that month. Do this for each month and note any potential shortfalls you may have to cover with cash on hand, borrowing or sale of assets.

For example, that invoice for sales and services usually get paid the following month. If this is the case, you need to account for it in your cash flow statement. A break-even analysis is a financial tool that helps you determine at which stage your company, service or product will be profitable.

Musk: Twitter may be cash flow positive in the second quarter – Yahoo Finance

Musk: Twitter may be cash flow positive in the second quarter.

Posted: Wed, 08 Mar 2023 09:16:08 GMT [source]

Of course, you want cash to flow into your business, but cash also has to flow out. The speed at which that cash flows out is one of the most important things to manage. Although cash flow might not directly influence your profit margin, it sure can hurt you when you’re not doing it right. Free AccessBusiness Case GuideClear, practical, in-depth guide to principle-based case building, forecasting, and business case proof. For analysts, decision makers, planners, managers, project leaders—professionals aiming to master the art of “making the case” in real-world business today. Financial Metrics are center-stage in every business, every day.

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